MIRAN- Moving with a goal

I have been a neurophysiotherapist since more than 13 years, and I have seen a lot of changes and improvement in the way we see patients with neurological conditions and their life. After my bachelors, I started working in a reputed hospital, I saw patients with stroke, Parkinsons and other neurological conditions being treated the same way as patients with knee pain, back pain and ankle injuries. The focus was achieving the range of motion, getting them pain free or getting the tone normalised. At that moment I questioned myself , is our body made only for being pain free and moving freely? I didn’t get any answer at that time until I completed my masters. The treatment protocol wasn’t wrong, but according to me it wasn’t fulfilling or achieving the goal fully. 

I went for my masters in 2012, and had a great exposure to research, clinical applications and patient centred care. It changed my perspective to physiotherapy and its application. When I came back in 2013, there was no Neurorehab centre except the hospitals that I could work in and it was quite a shame as India was no.1 in brain stroke numbers. I decided to start on my own with home visits, consultations at polyclinics and spreading awareness by meeting doctors and clinicians- MIRAN was born.This period I learnt a lot of new techniques and skilled myself as a Neurophysiotherapist by learning PNF, NDT and Pilates. Applying these skills I realised, that I was achieving movement with the patient but they were quite demotivated and lacked the fitness component. If before the stroke, they walked normally 5000 steps, post stroke due to weakness and slowness they came down to 500 steps which compromised their cardiovascular system and overall endurance. So, rehab needed to include something beyond just therapy. It wasn’t just enough to walk, but what I wanted was , the patients to go for a walk on a beach with their family and have a good time. 

Finally in 2021, MIRAN had a studio which was an exclusive physiotherapy centre for patients with neurological conditions and a holistic approach towards the life of patients. Slowly, we were equipped with a lot of advanced equipments to assist and engage the patients. Our main approach has always been FUNCTIONAL, what does that mean? The patient doesn’t walk in to the clinic and say my quadriceps is weak, he says I cannot walk, and that’s what the goal is. Achieving their goal is the most important result of therapy. MIRAN rehabilitation is a combination of achieving functional goals, fitness and overall confidence in patients to make their quality of life better. This was my answer, our body is made to achieve functional goals and be fit enough to do them without any hesitance. We had a patient with Parkinsons who had a stiff back and tremors in the hands , his goals were to drive his car independently. So our therapy was oriented towards his goals and not ours.We had a patient with stroke who couldn’t go back to his regular work and had balance issues, we solved did a lot of balance exercises and finally he was back to working full time and happy.

 We strive to achieve goals for all our patients and make them live a confident , independent and happy life.This answered my question if we were only meant to move pain free?? No, we are made to move with a purpose, and we help you achieve that purpose. 

Blog by 

Dr Dhvani Zota 


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