
Showing posts from October, 2023

Can a patient with Parkinsons drive?

  Have you ever witnessed some one wearing handcuffs walk towards you? Have you noticed their distress ? Have you taken a moment to think how we simply take the ability to move for granted? Thats what i see as a Neuro Physiotherapist when a patient with Parkinsons walks towards me . I see invisible handcuffs around their hands and their feet , which makes it impossible for them to move . The weight of which pull them into a stooped or slouched posture . Their anxiety and depression experienced is almost tangible. How challenging simply turning in bed can be. How all of these factors simply paralyse the patient and bring their morale down to point they feel absolutely helpless. Although being a physiotherapist i do see a silver lining since we do have a key to those handcuffs " MOVEMENT"  simple rhythmic large movements and i almost see the handcuffs click open. Neuro-pilates acting as a catalyst, helping them not only to move better but also carry out their basic daily tasks